We have followed keenly the recent developments in the country as especially triggered by the #ENDSARS protests. Acknowledging the fundamentality of the right of citizens to show their grievances through peaceful protests, we also have watched keenly as the largely peaceful protests against Police Brutality and Extrajudicial Killings metamorphosed into a general dissatisfaction with governance and the political class in the country.We also watched as attempts were made to forcefully dislodge the protesters by the Police in Abuja, and other security agencies around the country; failing this, the largely peaceful protests were hijacked by violence around the country.

We also watched in shock as on Tuesday 20/10/2020, after a series of very questionable prior events, men in military camouflages and fatigues invaded the Lekki toll gate in the dark – the widely acknowledged site for the peaceful protests even when there were pockets of violence in other parts of the state – and shot at peaceful protesters who were waving Nigeria flags and singing the National Anthem.This attack Cascaded into an uproar that has turned violent around the country – with attacks on private and public properties, attacks on police officers and police stations, attacks on security personnel, violent protests and attempted jail breaks in at least three states and correctional centres around the country.

We also acknowledge various State Governments’, [including Ebonyi State’s] – responses in different localized and contextualized ways to the uprising in their territories. In response the loud clamour for robust mature leadership around the country, the President of Nigeria – Muhammadu Buhari – addressed the Nation in a speech.Predicated on the above, we declare as follows:

• We categorically condemn the widespread outbreak of violence, looting, arson and other forms of destruction of private and public properties. This does no good in furthering the original aim of the protests, but only serve to further put strain on the already taut Nigerian Economy and political space.• We also vehemently condemn the attack on security personnel and agencies as well as correctional centres. These attacks only serve to make the attackers become that which they condemn by the very attacks. Furthermore, it must be stated categorically that the POLICE AND OTHER VICTIMS ALSO HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS.• We are also appalled by the lack of responsibility of the leadership class in all levels who have continued to deny culpability and responsibility and instead trade blames; this is despite overwhelming video evidence of said attacks.• Therefore we strongly call for the RESIGNATION OF THE CHIEF OF ARMY STAFF – Lt. Gen. Turkur Yusufu Buratai, and THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE – IGP Mohammed Adamu for incompetent leadership and crimes against humanity.• We demand that the National Assembly summons the President and other responsible parties to give a REAL explanation to Nigerians on the state of the Nation and concrete and practical steps being taken to forestall further break down of law and other, and build trust of the populace in government and security agencies.• We demand for the prosecution of already indicted officers of the defunct SARS by earlier constituted Judicial Panels; and indeed all other indicted officers and persons. It is our firm belief that this will help begin the process of healing, the feeling of being heard and trust in the government by the populace.• We affirm strongly that the President took too long to speak or act vis-à-vis the current realities confronting Nigerians; and even when he eventually spoke, we affirm that his speech was strongly deficient in presidential character, empathy and was very detached from the burning existentialism of the country. His silence on many issues, but especially on the Lekki Toll Gate event, general tone and monologue’s rhetoric of his administration’s economic plan / achievements was both insensitive to the lives of the armless defenceless wounded and allegedly killed protesters. It was thus sharply contradictory to the President’s assertion that the protesters’ voices have being heard loud and clear. Ergo, it was a very disappointing outing that did nothing to calm already frayed nerves, nor did it unite or give hope.

• We commend the Ebonyi State Government for promptly setting up and commissioning an 8 – man Judicial Committee to investigate extrajudicial killings and Human Rights violations in the State.• We also positively affirm the setting up of a Human Rights Complaints Office and the reporting channels available and we urge the general public to explore this opportunity to seek justice and judicial redress.• We are however concerned about the constitution of the Judicial Panel – especially the process and criteria for the selection and appointment of the Civil Society Representatives in the Committee.• We also are worried about a new machete-wielding red-wearing security outfit – AYA – currently parading the state capital. While we acknowledge and appreciate the pressure the government at all levels must be dealing with at the moment; especially in fulfilling their primary duty of Security of lives and properties, and also acknowledge that the new machete-wielding red-wearing neighbourhood watch might be a necessary security decision, we are however forced to state that if the motive for this AYA group is to induce fear amongst the residents of the state, as opposed to a feeling of security, then they are succeeding excellently.

Finally, we sympathise with the many Nigerians, officers and civilians who have lost their lives or were wounded during the course of the last few weeks of protests. We therefore urge our fellow youths to eschew violence, sheath their swords and re-strategize to engage with the government so that the reform we so earnestly desire will be achieved.We hope and pray that the labours of our heroes past and present shall never be in vain and that this prayer of our founding fathers may be answered;O God of Creation, Direct our noble cause. Guide our leaders right and help our youths the truth to know. In love and honesty to grow, living just and true, great lofty heights attain, so we can build a nation, where peace and justice shall reign. Amen.


George Etamesor for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Center, (HRCRC), Abakaliki

Ajah Chima Oliver for Development and Intergrity Goal (DIG) Foundation, Abakaliki

Samson Oko-Nweke forHuman Rights Defenders of Nigeria (HURIDE), Abakaliki

Office of the Citizen


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