
Vision Statement

“A democratic society where justice and peace reign for all”.

Mission Statement

“To promote and protect Human Rights, the rule of law, and peaceful coexistence through advocacy, sensitization, mediation and reconciliation especially for the sake of the vulnerable people in the society”.

Our Core Values

  • Respect for human dignity

We are strong believers in the dignity of the human life and our actions and services are committed to promoting conditions that enhance the flourishing of human life.

  • Fairness

We offer our services with a sense of compassion but in professional neutrality and without discrimination or segregation of any form –  religion, race, ethnic or linguistic group, sex, social, political or educational class, etc.

  • Transparency and accountability

We are stewards carrying out the injunction of God to love as He loves. Thus, we are firstly accountable to Him. Also, we are committed to transparent relationship of trust in our dealings with our donors/supporters/stakeholders and holds the value of prudence in the use of resources entrusted to us.

  • Preferential option for the vulnerable

Our services are driven by genuine compassion for people in need of justice and peace, and our preference is hugely leaned towards those on the fringes of society – the least, the last and the lost.

Other Values

  • Excellence

Despite our charity orientation, we strive for the best in our services delivery.

  • Teamwork

we are a family with each member committed to the vision of the organization and to work of our teams, ensuring that results are effectively delivered.

  • Comprehensive Viewpoint

We are receptive to diverse viewpoints and are willing to learn and adapt better strategies and methods to better our service delivery. We encourage strategic partnership with organizations/institutions that do the kind of work we do so that by building synergy, more meaningful impacts can be made.


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