Alternative Dispute Resolution

There are 2 thematic areas in the ADR department;

Women and Children

Peace Building and Conflict Resolution.

The department engages in peace building efforts aimed at impacting on social, communal and personal relationships for peaceful living. Ebonyi State where HRCRC is based has many flash points conflicts that have resulted in tremendous loss of lives and properties. The state is largely an agrarian state and land is scarce, hence, disputes over land constite a great part of conflicts in which the department mediates. Others include interpersonal, communal, family, political, industrial and business related conflitcs. The department has strong pool of trained experts in conflict management with years of experience in ADR practices.

The department also promotes and protect the rights of women and children as enshrined in international instruments and domestic legislations. The department’s programme addresses issues such as gender-based violence (GBV), domestic violence, child rights, teenage pregnancy related issue, female genital mutilation, unwholesome widowhood practices, etc. Apart from addressing cultural issues and practices that are not in the best interest of women and children, the department also designs and implements awareness and capacity building interventions that promote increased and active participation of women in administrative, economic and political lives of their communities, LGAs and the state.

Some of the programme’s achievement from the past include the facilitation of the appointment of at least one woman into the cabinets of traditional rulers in the state, a practice that was hitherto unheard of in the society. The programme has trained staff, HRCRC Branch members and other stakeholders on women rights, child rights, child protection and safeguarding. It has also helped to establish Child Rights Clubs in six secondary schools in Ebonyi State and contributed significantly to the domestication of Child Rights Act as Ebonyi State Child Rights Law.

The department has equally extended its activities through stepdown training to community levels across the 13 LGAs in Ebonyi. Under the auspices of HRCRC Branches, local actors are trained in basic mediation practice and conflict management to handle tensions within their spheres.

It is to the credit of the programme of this department that a 97-year old land/boundary conflict involving three communities of Mgbalukwu, Obeagu and Ojiegbe in Ebonyi State was peacefully resolved in 2007. Another success story involved an inter-state conflict between Umoke-Egwu in Ebonyi State and Umualuma in Umunochi LGA of Imo State. Through tactical approach that broadens participation and options, the people of these communities have embraced lasting peace.

The department equally focuses on promoting good governance values. Some of its past programmes have focused on election monitoring, creating awareness around negative fruits of electoral violence on democracy.



Land/boundary disputes mgt.

Marital Disputes settlement

Family Dispute Settlement

Political disputes mgt.

Industrial disputes mgt.

Interpersonal/communal dispute mgt.

Debt dispute mgt.

Team members

Emmanuel Nweke

Ambrose Moses Ekeke

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