Access to Justice

Doing a review and evaluation after the day in court

Access to Justice Department manages our Access to Justice Programme. The programme provides enabling environment for people, especially the vulnerable persons, to access justice. With a crop of young lawyers, it advocates and promotes justice for all, regardless of socio-cultural or other profiles. The overarching aim is to see that all people enjoy fundamental human rights. over the years, the projects carried out under the programme focus on prison and police cell monitoring and decongestion, free legal services, provision of welfare services to prison inmates, capacity building for prison and police officers, community and traditional rulers on various aspects of human rights.

The department has three units: Legal, Police Monitoring and Correctional Centre Monitoring. The department uses alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to settle cases, and where necessary resort to litigation.

Some core services

Free legal aid (pro bono)

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Campaign and Advocacy on Fundamental Human Rights

Team members

Barr. Chioma Ikegbunam

Barr. Esther Chinenye Ani

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